Saturday, April 30, 2011


" Let's prepare students for their world, not for our world"

Dear all,

Great week!!!

Multi-skills websites were fascinating; I was spending a lot of time looking for different activities and I realized they are wonderful assistants in order to enhance the four skills. Sharing some ideas with the rest of teachers I checked some suggested sites and I really grateful for the recommendations.

My students do not like to read a lot, so I am going to use these virtual activities for motivating them, in addition, it is important they know about global problems and in this sites exist good materials. I am so excited and I would like to use all tasks I found, but I am aware that big goals are divided into steps.

Talking about steps, planning needs to follow them, I enjoyed planning a new class where technology could be involved. I decided to use Google maps because it was a really impressive tool for my students in a past activity.

Finally, describing my concerns and problems with technology lets me recognize what points I have to reinforce in my students. Technology problems in my high school do not depend on me, so I must take advantage of the available resources.

Week 5…… I hope to learn much more!!!



  1. Hello Ale,
    Itotally agree with you that we have to prepared our students for this world.
    We had great experience during this week and it's real that writing the concerns of our students helped us in focusing on their problem what shall we reinforce in our students.


  2. Hi Ale,

    Wow... your blog is so beautiful!

    What an inspiring video!

    Last night I was talking to a friend's ten-year-old grandson (he was at his laptop)
    and it's amazing to see how much these kids learn in such a short time... She has been my friend for over 20 years now and I thought:

    "Oh, my God, this little boy was not even born ten years ago and look at the way he deals with the computer..."

    I just wonder how I will be able to help!


  3. Dear Ale,

    Wow... I am speechless!!

    Your blog is great!

    I really like your idea that we must prepare students for their world and using technology to increase their motivation.

