Sunday, April 24, 2011


Practical tools, practical teachers!!!

Hello everybody,

Week 3, as the other weeks, has been fruitful. Learning different ways of supporting my work has made me understand I am not alone in the road, what is more it is truly encouraging to know that technology is accompanying the teaching-learning process.

Initially learning about CALL was utterly interesting because I could appreciate that there are a large number of exercises and software which can help teachers and students to enhance their language skills. The most important aspect was to take into account CALL helps students to be motivated and independent as they are going to select what they want to practice and how they are going to do it, moreover, they will use computes not only for playing games or chatting with friends, but also for reinforcing their knowledge, so this fact shows that teachers are not the owners of knowledge, teachers are facilitators of it.

The most of the time I use CALL in reading and listening activities with good results, and I will continue doing it, but trying to be more creative for developing writing and speaking skills. I mean students can do a reading or listening activity using web support, then they have to write a report or discus about the topic. It is going to take time, but I will have to plan better my activities.

Next, becoming skilled at Delicious was pretty useful. I think this is a good manner for organizing, storing and sharing valuable information and it helps people to browse some important web sites quickly. I want to share with my students this tool in order they organize their information, too.
Finally, reading the sample projects and talk about one helps me to clarify the idea about my own one. It was remarkable to know other teachers’ reality and how they planned to use technology with the purpose of motivating and helping their students to use English.

As I said before if we (teachers) learn practical tools, we will be practical teachers. In my opinion to be practical teacher means to optimize time and resources in order to achieve high-quality results in education, these resources are presented by technology so let’s go teachers!!! We must be familiar with all of them, don’t you think so?

What do you think Einstein would have discovered if he had had tech? Let's go teachers!!! I would like to read your comments.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ale,

    I love your comment about being practical teachers. I agree 100%

